Our Goals

ARIE Initiative

In Fall 2020, the President established the ARIE Taskforce and several committees to facilitate a comprehensive scan of Mason’s campus environment.

The committees included:

  • Campus and Community Engagement.
  • Curriculum and Pedagogy.
  • Research.
  • Student Voice.
  • Training and Development.
  • University Policies and Practices.

In November, the president held a Freedom & Learning Forum on Racial Justice, Anti-Racism, and Inclusion that provided an opportunity for the campus community to participate in dialogue with key leaders on issues of campus climate, racial justice, equity and inclusion.

By spring of 2021, the working groups submitted comprehensive reports that included recommendations for the broader Mason community. With the ARIE Taskforce, the president held Town Halls to gather community feedback and refine the proposed recommendations.

By late spring, President Washington charged an Implementation Leadership Team to move the recommendations forward in the upcoming year under the leadership of the incoming Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer.

In Summer 2021, the ARIE Taskforce transitioned to the implementation phase of the ARIE Initiative.

Since Dr. Sharnnia Artis joined our Mason community in Fall 2021, the ARIE Implementation Leadership Team (ILT) was appointed, and they met regularly while making meaningful headway.

The president also constituted the Implementation Working Groups (IWGs), each with a liaison to the ILT, who continue actively working to ensure progress on the ARIE outcomes below.

ARIE Goals

Training and Development
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Campus and Community Engagement
University Policies and Procedures

Hire Inclusive Education Manager

Update Mason Core to reflect courses with a Just Societies flag

Establish Police Advisory Board

Build an infrastructure to support progress and accountability

Provide seed funding for ARIE research, scholarship & creative purposes

Create and pilot a foundational DEI/ ARIE professional development curriculum for faculty, staff, and leadership

Create faculty programming to build inclusive curriculum & develop expertise in equitable pedagogies

Ensure University Naming Committee recommendations align with justice-oriented goals and values

Recruit and retain faculty and staff to reflect our student population

Develop grad mentored research, scholarship, creative, & ARIE commercialization

Inventory Inclusive Excellence Plans for training and programming needs

Fund high-impact curriculum development and faculty education programs to support anti-racist and inclusive teaching

Realign TRHT* to support ARIE campus and community engagement goals

*Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Center

Elevate student services that support anti-racism and inclusive excellence

Host National Conference to highlight research and practices around anti-racism and inclusive excellence



Provost, VP DEI/CDO



VP Research, VP DEI/CDO